Our recent Publications on bioRxiv

Our group has recently uploaded three manuscripts to the preprint server bioRxiv. They focus on the fundamentals of yeast overflow metabolism, the accuracy of absolute proteomics analysis, and 3D printing of yeast. Proteome overabundance enables respiration but limitation onsets carbon overflow Benchmarking accuracy and precision of intensity-based absolute quantification of […]

Workshop on Genome-scale Metabolic Models

The ERA chair in SynBioTEC had the pleasure to welcome Iván Domenzain (Chalmers University of Technology), who conducted a two-day workshop about enzyme constrained genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs). Iván currently is a Ph.D. student in Nielsen`s group on Systems and Synthetic Biology, working on the analysis of multi-omics data, software […]

New research article on lipid accumulation in R. toruloides.

ERA Chair in Synthetic Biology (SynBioTEC) together with their collaborators from UNICAMP, Brazil, and Chalmers, Sweden, published a research paper in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. The paper describes lipid and carotenoid accumulation in a non-conventional yeast Roduthorula toruloides on three different carbon sources and four C/N ratios, where metabolic bottlenecks […]

Member of the Editorial Board at FEMS Yeast Research

ERA Chair of SynBioTEC Petri Lahtvee became a member of the Editorial Board for the journal FEMS Yeast Research. The leading journal in its field, FEMS Yeast Research bridges the gap between pure and applied research on conventional and non-conventional yeasts and yeast-like organisms. FEMS Yeast Research aims to ensure efficient publication of […]

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