Nemailla Bonturi, PhD

Research Fellow

nemailla [dot] bonturi [at] ut [dot] ee


Dr. Bonturi carried out her Ph.D. in the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Campinas, Brazil, on the production of microbial oil in oleaginous yeasts using hemicellulosic hydrolysates as a carbon source. Subsequently, Nemailla worked as a researcher at Braskem, S.A, Brazil, for the development of new production platforms of valuable molecules using microorganisms, specifically with the screening of engineered microorganisms and the development and optimization of the fermentation step. In 2016, Nemailla joined Lahtvee´s group as a Research Scientist at the University of Tartu. Her research is focused on the protein turnover measurements in yeast and synthetic biology approach to increase the efficiency of the producer strains.